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The meaning behind the homeD Logo

The homeD logo has many elements that are significant to our founding team. We wanted a logo that expressed what we do, our vision, and our philosophy.

We make homes - with two standardized home shapes - the OPod and the BoxPod. By standardizing our homes, we can produce quickly, cost-effectively, and efficiently - saving time & producing less waste.

The "D" in homeD:

Dignity is a core element for why we started this company. We come from a background of architects & designers, engineering, social services, entrepreneurship, marketing, and the corporate world. The whole basis of our establishment is to bring dignity to housing the most vulnerable populations. Everyone should have the right to a home where they can feel safe and proud.

Multi-coloured D

Community is essential to our well-being. This could not have been more evident during our experience with the COVID pandemic. Isolation for significant amounts of time took a toll not only on many people's short-term mental and physical health, but we are now witnessing the long-term impacts of this. As a community coming and working together, we overcame this hurdle on a global scale.

We are made of many demographics with different strengths, abilities, and needs in a community. Whatever we identify as together, we are one cohesive group as long as we can respect each other, and we are stronger together. This is represented in the multi-coloured dots of the "d".

Turning a noun into a verb

We are driven to turn our product into an action that doesn't just end after manufacturing and assembling our homes. We are actively engaged with the "homeD Circle of Good."

We want to engage our clients, we want to ensure that cultural elements are embedded and designed into our homeD communities, and most importantly, we want to inspire others to go beyond. We want our residents to have sustainable training and employment opportunities; we want our colleagues in the construction industry to understand the purpose behind what we do. Building homes is not enough to solve the issues of homelessness. We need to engage, collaborate, and do better - whether in material sciences, processes, how we look at the client, etc.

homeD was born to be disruptive. Disruptive in how we look at traditional construction and how we think about solving the issues around supportive and affordable housing.


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